Eucharistic Witnesses

During the Eucharistic Revival we’d like to share our Eucharistic witnesses with one another through our social media channels (Facebook and Instagram @paxchristicatholiccommunity) and in our bulletin, space permitting. We are also listing them here, in reverse chronological order.

“The Eucharistic Prayer leading up to communion is often very moving to me. I remember one time in particular when Father broke and raised the host during the Fraction Rite that it really hit me that Jesus was breaking himself and being raised up again right in that moment. I couldn’t help the tears. At other times I’ve been overcome with gratitude and humility in the enormity of His gift right at the moment of receiving. 


“Last year in Lent, I committed to frequenting the Adoration chapel 1-3 times weekly. We are so lucky to have an Adoration chapel; the quiet solitude and being in His holy presence cannot be matched. It’s a wonderful place to meet Him and to pour forth your heart. On many of my visits, I was rushing in from a busy day at work and coming out a completely transformed person, calmer, stronger, and filled with peace and confidence that all would be well. My prayers always looked differently, depending on how the spirit moved me. Praise, petition, journaling, weeping, He heard it all and is such a fantastic listener. Our Lord appreciates a balance between my voice in prayer and my voice being quiet in contemplation and listening. He speaks quietly and it takes quiet stillness to hear or feel His nudges. My relationship became stronger and answers to my prayers unfolded before me. If you haven’t visited the chapel to dwell in His presence, I would highly recommend making it a habit!”

~Maureen F.

“For a long time I understood in my head that Jesus is really and truly present in the Eucharist. But it wasn’t until more recently, as my personal relationship with Jesus has grown, that the deep meaning of the Eucharist began to take root in my heart.Everything I am, everything I have, the very fact that I exist is because of God, my Father. I am here on this earth, at this time and in this place, because God chose me and has a plan for me. In this crazy, mixed up world, the strength and nourishment I need to follow God’s will for me is found in the most intimate gift of Jesus’ Divine life – the Eucharist. There is nothing more beautiful and worthy of my heart’s gratitude and devotion. Praise be to God!”


“I am a convert, raised in a secular church. In RCIA I learned to love the sacraments and traditions of Catholicism. With my history in the secular world, I struggled with some of the Catholic beliefs (purgatory and redemptive suffering are examples). Strangely, I had no trouble with the literal presence of God/Jesus in the Eucharist. I think I accepted it intellectually. I believe it hit me emotionally when a person in front of me at communion said quietly, “My Lord, my God.” It changed me forever and heightened my appreciation and awe for the miraculous gift I was receiving.” 

~Sandy S.

When asked what the Eucharist tasted like after his First Communion:

“It tastes like Jesus.”

~Luca L.

If you have a story to share, we would love to hear it! Here are some prompts to help you with your reflection. You do not have to share all of these in your submission:

– How has encountering the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist changed your life?

– How has the Eucharist drawn you into deeper relationship with God, Jesus, and/or the Church?

– Are there any stories about the Eucharist you would like to share with our community? 

Please keep your submissions to approximately 100 words, and email them to Laura.

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